Synoptic Forecast Maps
This page provides detailed deterministic forecast maps for several parameters. The products obtained are as follows, depending on the choice made Parameter/Type/Domain:
Parameter=PW : Indicates areas where PW > 45 mm, favourable to the occurrence of rainfall
- Domain=Africa, WestAfrica, IndianOcean: Map of precipitable water (PW mm, colour) and wind at 925 hPa for raw fields (left) and for intraseasonal anomalies (right). Available every 6 hours on the WestAfrica domain, otherwise every 12 hours.
- Domain=Global: Raw PW map (mm, top Figure) and intraseasonal PW anomaly map (coloured range) superimposed on the wet contribution of each equatorial wave (contour, bottom Figure). The dry contributions are also shown for the MJO and the low frequency. More details on this product type here. Available every 24 hours.
Parameter=LowLevel-Diag: Identifies regions favourable to convection and extremes based on integrated parameters in the lower layers.
- Top: Figure on the left: Map of integrated parameters between 925 and 600 hPa for integrated flow lines, wind strength (black outline every 7.5,10,12.5,15 ms-1 etc), and relative vortex (colour, s-1) .
- Top: Figure on the right:Equivalent depth of monsoon flow (colour, m), wind shear between about 925 and 600 hPa (vectors, ms-1). More details on how to use this product here.
- Bottom: same as above, but at 600 hPa (left) and 925 hPa (right).
Parameter=Mean-VWind: indicates troughs and ridges and areas where African easterly waves are generated. Integrated meridional wind map between 925 and 600 hPa (m/s) superimposed on the integrated horizontal wind between 925 and 850 hPa (vectors). Blue (red) colours indicate a southerly (northerly) flow. Available every 6 hours.
Parameter=CAPE-CIN: Maps of potential convective instability (CAPE J/kg) and of convective inhibition (CIN J/kg)
Parameter=MSLP: Maps of mean sea level pressure (couleur hPa) and wind at 950 hPa (vector ms-1).
Parameter=PotTemp-RH: Maps of raw relative humidity (%) and of potential temperature anomaly et d'anomalie at 400 hPa (contours every 2°C, positive solid, negative dashed).
Parameter=PotTemp: Indicates the position of the thermal low and the coupling with the mid-latitudes. Intraseasonal potential temperature anomaly at 850 hPa (colours) and wind anomaly at 850 hPa (vectors).
Parameter=Td2m:Dew point temperature map at 2m and wind at 950 hPa. Available every 24 hours. The black contours show the raw potential temperature every 4°C from 38°C.
Parameter=Vorticity: Relative vorticity map at 700 hPa (colour, s-1) and relative vorticity at 850 hPa (solid positive contour, s-1).
Parameter=Wind: Indicates the intensity of the African Easterly Jet, Tropical Easterly Jet and interactions with mid-latitudes.
- Level=600 hPa: Map of horizontal wind anomalies (vectors, ms-1) superimposed on meridional wind anomalies (colour) at 600 hPa. The zonal easterly wind (East African Jet) is shown as a solid black line (contoured every -6,-9,-12,-15 ms-1 etc).
- Level=200 hPa: Map of horizontal wind anomalies (vectors, ms-1) superimposed on meridional wind anomalies (colour) at 200 hPa. The zonal westerly wind (sub-tropical westerly jet) is shown as a solid black line (contoured every -20,-30,-40 ms-1 etc). The Tropical Easterly Jet is shown as a dashed black line (contoured every -10, -20, -30 ms-1).
Parameter=Vel-Pot, Level=200, 700, 850 hPa: indicates the zones of divergence/convergence at the chosen level and the involved equatorial waves.
- Raw velocity potential map (m2/s, upper Figure) and intraseasonal velocity potential anomaly map (coloured range) superimposed on the convective contribution of each equatorial wave at that pressure level (contour, lower Figure). Unfavourable contributions to convection are also shown for the MJO and low frequency.
- At 200 hPa (850,700 hPa), the solid contours indicate an altitude divergence (low-level convergence). More details on this type of product here. Available every 24 hours.
Parameter=Stream-Fct, Level=200, 700,850 hPa: indicates cyclonic/anti-cyclonic zones at the chosen level and the involved equatorial waves.
- Raw streamfunction map (m2/s, upper Figure) and intraseasonal streamfunction anomaly map (coloured range) superimposed on the convective contribution of each equatorial wave at that pressure level (contour, lower Figure). Unfavourable contributions to convection are also shown for the MJO and low frequency.
- At 200 hPa (850,700 hPa), the solid contours indicate an upper-air anticylone (low-level cyclones). More details on this product type here. Available every 24 hours.