Weekly Briefings

Weekly Briefings

The weekly briefings are a space for discussion between forecasters from different centers, researchers, and academics to discuss rainfall variability on synoptic, subseasonal and seasonal scales.


Briefings take place every Tuesday at 12:30 UTC by videoconference using the following Blue Jean link: https://bluejeans.com/765607575/0634

Rotations to handle the briefing

New: We are testing a new briefing formula in 2023: Each week, the preparation and animation of the briefing is ensured in turn by 5 centers only: ANACIM – CMRS (Senegal), ANAM Burkina Faso, ACMAD and Meteo-France. A technical note (~40 pages) and a summary of a few slides will be made available on the shared drive for the briefing then on the MISVA site in the Documents/weekly Briefings tab.

Only the summary will be presented during the briefing to facilitate discussion times. Synoptic briefings take place every week and sub-seasonal briefings every 15 days with the following schedule (PM: monthly forecast / PS: synoptic forecast):

  • 11 – 07 : PM Anam / PS MF
  • 18 -07 : PM optionnel / PS ANAM
  • 25- 07 : PM Anam / PS ANACIM
  • 01- 08 : PM optionnel / PS acmad / ANAM
  • 08- 08 : PM : MF / PS ANAM 
  • 15 – 08 : PM optionnel /PS ANACIM
  • 22 – 08: PM : ANAM /PS:  MF 
  • 29 -08 : PM opt / PS : ANAM
  • 05 – 09: PM : MF / PS ANACIM
  • 12 – 09 PM opt  / PS : ACMAD
  • 19 – 09 : PM ANAM / PS : MF
  • 26 – 09 PM opt / PS : ANAM

Brifefing documents:

  • Automatic supports are deposited on a shared google drive space accessible here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1vGxH5NoBR1eptaLoK_6fbXQ0uDQk3AXl
  • The various participants are invited to complete the observations of the current week, and the managers can complete a comment for each important slide.
  • The center in charge of the briefing produces a summary of the document and presents it during the briefing. In particular, a summary slide is produced every week for the synoptic forecast and every two weeks for the sub-seasonal forecast.
  • The summary and the technical note are posted on the MISVA site in the Documents/Weekly_Briefings/ tab.
