Case Study 2 : Example of forecast for Feb. 2024

Case Study 2 : Example of forecast for Feb. 2024

Contribution by the low frequency

Anomalous subsidence in the upper layers is extending from the South China Sea to the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Good agreement among two filtering products (Fig.S3-1). At 850hPa, anomalous divergence covers all the MC.

Figure 1 : Filtered low frequency VP200 anomaly (pink isolines) from a: MISVA, b: NCICS

Figure 2 shows a combination of PW and 850 wind anomaly. A dry, easterly anomaly extends from the Philippines to southern Vietnam and southern Thailand. A moist anomaly covers most of Indonesia and Papua-New-Guinea (Fig.22), with a westerly anomaly from the Java Sea to PNG, which contributes to stronger than normal monsoonal winds.

Figure 2 : Filtered low frequency anomaly of PW (shading; scale in mm) and 850hPa wind (arrows)
Fiture 3: 3-month average OLR anomaly

In OLR, the passed 90 days total anomaly follows the El Nino response, plus a remnant of +IOD (Fig.3). The observed trend is a weakening positive anomaly over the MC, and a negative anomaly extending above northeastern PNG.

Contribution by the Madden-Julian Oscillation

Contribution by the Madden-Julian Oscillation

Contribution by Kelvin waves

Contribution by Mixed Rossby Gravity waves

Contribution by the sum of the waves

Summary – Link with traditional charts
