The West African Monsoon system (WAM)

The West African Monsoon system (WAM)


A monsoon is a coupled atmosphere-ocean-continent system. Several geographical specificities make the West African monsoon a unique system, with the only possible analogue being the Australian monsoon, with however a much smaller continent: West Africa is located near the equator, its reliefs are low, it is surrounded by water on three of its sides (Atlantic to the south and west, Mediterranean Sea to the north), and encompasses, to the north, the largest desert in the world, the Sahara. Its quasi-zonal configuration makes it, at first order, a two-dimensional system.

Conceptual model

1. Main actors of the WAM system

During the boreal summer, the African continent heats up rapidly and becomes warmer than the waters of the equatorial eastern Atlantic in the Gulf of Guinea. This thermal contrast between two surfaces with very different inertias induces a response from the atmosphere on a large scale. A regional-scale “sea breeze” forms, allowing the penetration of a cool, humid south-westerly oceanic air flow called the monsoon flow over the African continent. The latter, going up towards the northeast, encounters in the north of the Sahel a flow of air that is on the contrary hot and dry, coming from the Sahara, as schematically shown in the figure opposite. Monsoon rains occur on the continent in the (grey) zone of interaction between these two air masses.

In spring, the strengthening of the south-easterly trade winds coming from the southern hemisphere and associated with the St Helena anticyclone, favors by vertical mixing and horizontal transport the formation of a cold tongue in the Gulf of Guinea (ocean area in blue), near the equator. Under the effect of the ocean-continent thermal contrast, the southeast trade winds can cross the equator (blue arrows), and become a southwest wind under the action of the earth’s rotation. They enter the continent where they then feed the monsoon flow in the lower layers of the atmosphere (1-2 km). The continental warming is maximum over the Sahara, where an immense dome of warm air is installed, that can reach a thickness of 4-5 km, and called Saharan Thermal Depression (HL thereafter for Heat Low). This surface depression allows, at the level of the Inter Tropical Front (ITF around 20°N), the convergence between the cool and humid monsoon flow and the trade winds from the north, hot and dry (Harmattan – red arrows), coming from the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic.

The main actors of the West African monsoon (a). A flow of humid and cold air arrives from the Gulf of Guinea (in blue) via the trade winds (blue arrows) and collides with a mass of warm air, the Saharan thermal depression (in yellow) where the Harmattan circulates (red arrows). The resulting rain zone (in grey) is traversed by the African Easterly Jet (AEJ black arrow). In fact, this jet oscillates (b) and forms a wave where convective systems nest.

The strong thermal contrast between these two air masses in the Sahelian band is responsible for the formation of the African Easterly Jet (AEJ) at an altitude of 4 km. This is an average pattern, but in reality, this jet cannot remain straight and constant. Weakly unstable and under the effect of external forcings such as convection, it oscillates around its mean position while propagating westward at speeds of the order of 800 km/day thus forming the African Easterly Waves (AEWs thereafter). With a wavelength of 2000 to 3000 km, their passage is associated with time oscillations of the order of 4-5 days.

2. Two-dimensional structure and objects composing the African monsoon

The diagram opposite recalls the average meridian structure of the monsoon characterized by a strong barocliny in the lower layers decreasing with the altitude consistent with the north-south variations of the convection: the humid convection is predominant in the south of the AEJ, and the dry convection in the north. Deepest moist convection occurs just south of the AEJ peak, and dry convection in the Saharan air layer (SAL, in yellow) occurs north of the AEJ. They are separated by an important transition zone, in which the monsoon flow slips under the Saharan air. The relatively warm Saharan air overhanging the monsoon flow creates significant convective inhibition (CIN), and leads to an increase of the convective available potential energy (CAPE) in the boundary layer. Added to this is the strong AEJ wind shear and the fact that the Saharan air layer is very dry, elements that favor the formation of intense convective subsidences. The region located just north of the AEJ is therefore very favorable to the development of tropical squall lines, although rarer.

Schematic vertical cross-section along the Greenwich meridian showing the Saharan thermal low (HL), the AEJ, the ITCZ, and the tropical easterly (TEJ) and westerly (STJ) jets shown in light blue, along with the SAL (in yellow). The meridional variations of the potential temperature are given by the curve θ in the lower figure, and by the continuous contours in the upper figure. Those of the equivalent potential temperature by the curve θe. The monsoon depression is located just north of the JEA. Source: Figure adapted from Figure 10 of Parker et al. (2005a).

In the upper troposphere, the tropical east (TEJ) and sub-tropical westerly (STJ) jets, respectively south and north of the ITCZ (represented in light blue), are reinforced during the active phases of the ITCZ, forcing a strong divergent anticyclonic circulation aloft.

3. Three-dimensional structure

In spring, the continent warms up as the waters of the Gulf of Guinea cool, forming the Cold Tongue. Under the effect of this contrast, the southeast trade winds cross the equator, turn into a southwesterly wind and enter the continent where they form the monsoon flow in the lower layers of the atmosphere (blue arrows ). Continental warming is maximum over the Sahara, where an immense dome of warm air (in red) is installed, which can reach a thickness of 4-5 km, and called the Saharan Thermal Depression (HL). This surface depression allows the convergence, at the level of the Inter Tropical Discontinuity (dotted blue line ITD, around 20°N), between the cool and humid monsoon flow and the trade winds from the north, hot and dry (Harmattan), coming from the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic.

The contrast between these two air masses induces a strong meridian temperature gradient in the Sahelian band, responsible for the formation of the African Easterly Jet (AEJ, yellow tube). The existence of the AEJ at medium altitude (600-700 hPa) promotes the development of easterly waves. Convection is favored around the easterly wave trough. Overall, the convection is mainly organized south of the ITD and the JEA, where the convective instability is maximum, forming the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), located around 10-15°N in July and August. The combination of strong wind shear in the lower atmosphere and dry air above the monsoon flow favors the formation of squall lines propagating rapidly westward with powerful density currents.

Three-dimensional view of the WAM during its most active phase, showing its main components. © Météo-France.

4. Seasonal cycle of precipitation

The Hovmöller diagram in the Figure opposite documents the meridian migration of rainfall over West Africa during the year. The following elements can be highlighted :

  • the rather slow penetration of rains on the continent before August, contrasting with a much more rapid withdrawal
  • in the Guinean coast region, a first rainy season in May/June wetter than the second one;
  • a monsoon shift (onset) around June 24 followed by the short dry season in the Guinean regions.
D*Hovmöller diagram of the 15‐day running mean of daily precipitation, averaged between 10°W and 10°E. Source: Figure 1.4b from Chapter 1 of the Handbook.

5. Intra-seasonal variability

The figure opposite illustrates the intra-seasonal variability of the monsoon in terms of rainfall for a particular year 2009 corresponding to the occurrence of an extreme event in Ouagadougou on September 1st. In addition to high daily variability characteristic of the Sahel, the wavelet analysis highlights 4 bands of variability at the synoptic (3–5 days) and short (10-15 days), medium (20-30 days), and long (40-90 days) intra-seasonal scales.

The break at the end of July 2009 corresponds to low variability at scales smaller than 25 days, while the extreme event in Ouagadougou coincides with high variability at all scales, a condition favorable to the occurrence of extremes. The comparison with climatology shows that the delay in the onset of the monsoon in 2009 corresponds to low intra-seasonal variability up to the 60-day scale, while at the end of the very rainy season variability is high at all scales.

This variability at different spatio-temporal scales strongly modulates the breaks and active phases of the monsoon and is associated with equatorial and mid-latitude waves with a more predictable character. It is therefore essential for forecasters to monitor and predict these modes of intra-seasonal variability that increase the predictability of the African monsoon system. These variabilities are documented elsewhere on this MISVA site.

(a) ) Annual cycle of TRMM rainfall in 2009 (mm day-1), averaged over a square degree centered on Ouagadougou (12-13N, 1-2W) for: daily data (bars) and climatology (1998-2013 in orange). The annual cycle in 2009 filtered to 90 days is superimposed (dotted curve). Intraseasonal variability is illustrated by the dashed black curve filtered at 10 days. The red curves correspond to the cumulative precipitation (mm) since January 1 in 2009 (dotted line) compared to the climatology (solid line). (b) Wavelet analysis of TRMM.

6. Interannual and decadal variability

The variability of annual rainfall totals associated with the WAM is very high both from one year to the next and from one region to the next as illustrated below for the Western and Central Sahel zones. This shows the extreme difficulty in predicting rainfall for a given season. In addition to this interannual variability, the evolution over this period of nearly 60 years shows oscillations on decadal scales with the wet period until the 1960s, then a dry period in the 1970s and 1980s and a return to normal for the Central Sahel in the mid-1990s, but not for the Western Sahel. However, the cumulative annual rainfall hides the extreme nature or otherwise of the events. Thus, one of the challenges is also to predict these extremes with disastrous consequences (human losses and devastating floods…) and whose frequency is increasing in the context of the ongoing climate change (Panthou et al. 2014).

Location of the Western and Central Sahel zones, for which the changes in the normalized cumulative annual rainfall index over the period 1950-2007 are shown opposite. Source: presentation by T. Vischel et al (2015) in the framework of the ESCAPE project.
Sahel Occidental
Sahel Central

7. Video de synthèse

The film extract proposed here presents the ocean-surface-atmosphere system of the West African monsoon and its seasonal cycle.

Adapted products

Evolution of indices of the ongoing monsoon

  • Evolution of the monsoon as compared with the climatology for 3 bands of longitude : Senegal – Westeren Sahel – Eastern Sahel, synthetised by the page 2 of the Daily Summary
  • Monsoon structure
    • Average view in the 950-600 hPa layer showing shear, monsoon flow thickness, mean flow (intensity and vorticity) and at key JEA levels (600 hPa) and at the surface (950 hPa). Prévision Synoptique Cartes prévues – Misva ( PRÉVISION SYNOPTIQUE > CARTES PRÉVUES
      • parameters : LowLev-Diag 950-600 - West-Africa
  • 4 key levels to examine



Chapitre 1 Climat moyen et cycle annuel pages 27-81


Panthou G., T. Vischel and T. Lebel 2014: Recent trends in the regime of extreme rainfall in the Central Sahel. Int. J. Climatol. 34: 3998–4006
