Who are we ?

MISVA is a collaborative action aimed at taking advantage of large-scale sources of predictability such as equatorial waves in medium- and long-range weather forecasting (a few days to a few weeks). MISVA is maintained by the National Center for Meteorological Research, Meteo-France, CRNS and University of Toulouse.

Philippe Peyrillé (CNRM)

Philippe is the scientist in charge of the coordination around MISVA and research activities upstream of forecasting products. His area of ​​expertise is the analysis of equatorial waves, deep convection and weather forecasting in tropical regions. Dialogue with forecasters is essential for him.
Florence Favot (CNRM)

Florence takes care of everything related to data (observations and forecasts) and ensures the proper functioning of the post-processing offered on the site.

Thierry Lefort (Meteo-France)

As a forecaster and trainer, Thierry has a broad knowledge of tropical climates and weather phenomena. Both within Météo-France and internationally, he has participated for many years in the implementation of new methodologies in tropical forecasting, based on the MISVA website and advances in subseasonal prediction.
Jean-Philippe Lafore

He is the initiator of MISVA in 2011 with the Senegal meteorological service, following the AMMA project. Now retired, Jean-Philippe remains a specialist in deep convection in West Africa.
Weather Services in Africa

Today the services of Senegal (ANACIM), Mali (Mali Meteo), Burkina Faso (ANAM), Niger (ANAM) and Togo (DMN) are involved in the weekly Tuesday briefings. The regional climate center (ACMAD) also plays an important role.
Weather service in France overseas

Overseas departments, in particular forecasting services, are the preferred users of the MISVA site, particularly in the Indian Ocean (Réunion, DIROI), the West Indies (DIRAG), New Caledonia (DIRNC) and French Polynesia (DIRPF).
